Now revealed — the 10 top reasons for becoming a BCITO apprentice!


The Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO) recently sent out a text message to 3000 of its apprentices in the search for the top 10 reasons why they love being an apprentice with the BCITO.


The organisation wanted to know what motivated its apprentices to choose a career in the construction industry, so those reasons could be shared with other potential BCITO apprentices.


It turns out there were more than 400 reasons why BCITO apprentices love their apprenticeships — but they have been narrowed down to the top 10. 


So, here are the top 10 reasons to be a BCITO apprentice — and they’ve been translated from “txt language” so they’re easier to understand!


1 Get paid to learn — it’s a win-win situation all round.

2 Learn skills for life that no one can take away from you.

3 Do book work from home and have no student loan.

4 You will get the skills to pay the bills.

5 You can take your BCITO qualification anywhere in the world.

6 The great discounts apprentices receive on all sorts of things and places.

7 A guaranteed future. There will always be a job for a builder wherever you go in the world.

8 To learn a great trade and pass on the knowledge to others.

9 More knowledge, more skills, more money and less barrow work than a labourer!

10 Chicks love builders! (BCITO e-bulletin editors note: We think everyone loves builders!)

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