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A new amendment to a council bylaw came into effect, providing the authority for the council to take action against anyone putting materials, machinery, jumbo bins or site huts on roads, footpaths or grass berms.

The bylaw protected public safety and council property against the detrimental impacts arising from some development sites. It prohibited damage to roads, tracking dirt onto roads, damaging services and knocking down street trees.

15 years ago:

The scheme — encouraging 16-21 year olds into industry training — was to be run by Skill New Zealand, and include the appointment of Modern Apprenticeship co-ordinators to provide local support for employers and apprentices.

The Government was aiming to have 3000 apprenticeships in place by early 2002.

10 years ago:

Building Research welcomed the new requirement that future building follows the principles of sustainable development, calling it a far-sighted inclusion.

Built environment manager Chris Kane said there was a bright future for countries that embraced the concept of sustainable development.

“It’s not about tree hugging — far from it. It’s about ensuring we extract maximum benefit from both our scarce and widely available resources.

“Improving resource usage of the existing housing stock of 1.2 million houses alone would save New Zealand householders about $410 million annually,” Mr Kane claimed.

5 years ago:

The Housing New Zealand Options and Advice service was to be rolled out nationally over the next three months, starting in 18 Housing New Zealand neighbourhood units.

“The reality is that Housing New Zealand cannot house everyone who walks through its doors, but it can do more to help them,” Mr Williamson said.

“Options and Advice is about being smart by joining people up with other government and non-government services or the private rental sector to provide them with a broader suite of options than just state housing.”

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