Change colour with Plasti Dip removable paint


Colour customising is being revolutionised with a new spray paint from Plasti Dip, the people who invented the paint that can coat anything from toys to tools with a rubberised protective layer.

Originally developed to apply rubber coatings to replace worn grips on hand tools such as pliers, wrenches and cutters, Plasti Dip has become a household name around the world, and was introduced to New Zealand in 2009.

It now allows for cool customising of cars, trucks, wheels, accessories and even bikes, caravans, boats, skateboards, hobby/craft projects and anything else that requires a lift — hence the strapline being used to market the product here: Plasti Dip — The only limitation is your imagination.

Fed up with the colour of your car or want to change the look of the wheels? Spray a new colour from the extensive Plasti Dip range, then peel it off and reveal the original paintwork when you want to change back.

There are 17 different matt colour choices available in spray cans, which are very much in vogue with the trend towards matt finish among some car owners. But for those who prefer a gloss finish, there’s also the Plasti Dip Glossifier, which can be sprayed over the top to increase the level of gloss shine — from just a low sheen through to semi gloss and full gloss, depending on the number of coats applied.

A metallic finish is now available through three new releases — Silver Metallizer, Gold Metallizer and Copper Metallizer, along with a Pearlizer finish, which is applied by spraying over the top of the base colours, thus adding a metallic sheen to the original Plasti Dip coating.

Also included in the range is a Smoke finish, which can be sprayed over tail lights and even windows, as well as the original paintwork or any of the Plasti Dip base colour coats, which gives a smoky effect to the colour or surface, but is still transparent.

A video of the process can be viewed at

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