Work Based Learning chief executive appointed


BCITO chief executive Toby Beaglehole has been appointed chief executive of Te Pukenga Work Based Learning Ltd (WBL), a subsidiary of Te Pukenga.

BCITO chair Mike King says the appointment recognises Beaglehole’s ability, but also demonstrates the high regard held for BCITO people, culture and practices, which he hoped to see reflected in the culture of WBL going forward.

Te Pukenga chair Murray Strong welcomed Beaglehole to the Te Pukenga whanau, and said his experience in the sector, knowledge of the path ahead, and leadership would be a real asset to the organisation.

Beaglehole says he has thoroughly enjoyed his time at the BCITO, seeing the whole team grow, and managing the challenges of an all-time record 20,000 apprentices in training, while moving through the RoVE process.

Beaglehole will take up the role of WBL chief executive on October 4, 2021, in line with the BCITO’s transition to WBL.

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