Emissions Reduction Plan — what it means for the NZ construction industry

Construction initiatives have five key focus areas under the Government’s first Emissions Reduction Plan.

The Government has released New Zealand’s first Emissions Reduction Plan, which outlines the actions to be taken across various sectors to reduce the country’s emissions.

This is one of the steps to meet New Zealand’s 2050 net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions goal.

What the plan means for the construction sector

Under the plan, construction initiatives have five key focus areas:

• Reducing the whole of life embodied carbon of buildings.

• Accelerating the shift to low carbon buildings.

• Improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

• Shifting energy use away from fossil fuels.

• Establishing the foundations for further emissions reduction in the future.

How we’ll get there

The industry’s climate change objectives will be achieved through a range of initiatives, including regulatory change, incentives, technical tools, and advice and education.

The Building for Climate Change programme will work with the construction sector to get these right, through each step and initiative we implement.

This year, the MBIE’s Building for Climate Change team will be working to introduce reporting requirements and caps for embodied carbon and operational emissions in new buildings through changes to the building consent system and Building Code.

Industry will be able to have its say on these regulatory proposals through a public consultation document, to be released later this year.

The Building for Climate Change team is also progressing changes to the Building Act to improve waste minimisation, and introduce energy performance certificates for existing buildings, based on feedback and submissions received during consultation on the Emissions Reduction Plan.

The team is working closely with building sector stakeholders to refine these legislative proposals. It will provide additional information and education to the sector and consumers as changes are rolled out.

The team is also working closely with key partners in the sector and other government agencies to drive actions in the Emissions Reduction Plan, and to ensure the programme remains connected with those helping to reach net-zero goals.

For more information visit https://www.building.govt.nz/about-building-performance/all-news-and-updates/emissions-reduction-plan-released-by-government.

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