Fast-track decision welcomed by FPB


Future-Proof Building has welcomed the recent announcement that the Government will fast track various infrastructure projects.
In particular, the decision to improve the quality of state housing will significantly benefit Housing New Zealand tenants and have a positive impact on the construction industry.

The condition of New Zealand’s housing stock has long been inadequate. Research has found that cold, damp and poorly ventilated homes have had a profound impact on the health of New Zealanders, creating a burden on the health system and reducing productivity across the business sector.

“Increasing the air quality and temperature of the homes owned by Housing New Zealand will produce health benefits for some of our most in need families, Future-Proof Building education manager Jamie Fear says.
“Additionally, this work programme will extend the life of these dwellings, reducing costs to the taxpayer in the long term,” he says.

Future-Proof Building is an advocate for insulation, ventilation and energy-efficient heating in New Zealand homes, and is encouraged to see the Government addressing the quality of state-owned housing stock.

This increase in housing standards will have a positive effect on the whole property market as more New Zealanders become aware of the health benefits of warmer, drier homes.
This initiative also provides much needed momentum and work for an industry which has seen a decline in demand over the past few months.

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