Health and safety award promoting safer workplaces


To be eligible to enter, candidates must be working in health and safety, or be a company representative.
The Gold Award winner will receive $3000 towards professional development, with the Silver Award Winner receiving $1000 and Bronze Award Winner $500.
Saya Wahrlich, 3M Group general manager, safety, security and protection services says she is looking forward to seeing the entries put forward for this year.

“The issue of workplace safety is a wide one and crosses many industries — from heavy construction and manufacturing sites to call centres or other office environments.
“Workplace injuries, no matter how minor, have a heavy impact on business productivity, not to mention discomfort to employees,” Ms Wahrlich says.

Innovative initiatives
The award judges how well a person, or an organisation, has put in place innovative initiatives that achieve outstanding results in improving health and safety in the workplace.
In 2010 The Taranaki Construction Safety Group, a collaborative organisation that promotes safer worksites in Taranaki, won the 3M Award for Innovation in Health and Safety.

This year’s award is run in conjunction with the Occupational Health & Safety Industry Group (OHSIG), and the three finalists will present their entry at the OHSIG Conference being held in Wellington in October.

This second triennial event brings together professional groups working in the field of occupational health and safety in New Zealand, and creates an opportunity for collaboration, networking and knowledge sharing across these professions.

The closing date for applications is September 26, 2011, and entries can be submitted to[email protected].
Alternatively, written entries can be posted to 3MNZ Ltd, PO Box 33246, Takapuna, Auckland.

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