Company fined after contractor fall


The Auckland District Court heard that the company hired two contractors to replace the spouting at a flat in Avondale. While measuring the side of the flat, one of the contractors lost his footing on the ladder and fell five metres to the ground.

“This contractor is lucky to be alive. He fractured his skull, broke five ribs, his nose, his left eye socket and his wrist — as well as cracking his cheek bone and suffering severe internal bruising,” Department of Labour northern regional manager Claire Morris says.

“Doing this type of work from a ladder is inherently unsafe, especially when having to measure, handle and attach lengths of spouting approximately 13.5 metres long,” Ms Morris says.
“The company should have supplied scaffolding or an elevated work platform to make sure the contractors could work safely.

“The company also failed to notify the Department about the accident for three days, and when inspectors arrived at the site they found it had been interfered with and all the equipment had been removed. This is totally unacceptable,” Ms Morris says.

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