Principal sponsor out to promote quality


PlaceMakers is New Zealand’s largest supplier of building materials and hardware supplies, and sole principal sponsor of the Registered Master Builders 2006 House of the Year. “As the leading construction materials company, we like to promote superb quality in building, and aligning ourselves with a programme about building excellence helps us do this,” PlaceMakers chief executive David Worley says. 

In addition to being the principal sponsor PlaceMakers also sponsors the Renovation Awards. “These awards help us engage with builders and customers involved in the popular and rapidly escalating renovation market,” Mr Worley says. 

“There is a greater emphasis on remodelling and restyling homes as land in urban areas becomes scarcer. People are looking to renovate their existing homes to better meet the needs and demands of modern life.“Building techniques, design and materials are becoming more sophisticated, and there is a growing gap between old living environments and new, providing consumers with added incentive for renovation.” 

House of the Year celebrates people whose values reflect what it means to be a registered master builder. “There is a wealth of talent among New Zealand’s registered master builders, and we look forward to watching the 2006 competition unfold,” Mr Worley says.

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