The 4th Amendment

The No 3 amendment also introduced risk-based or step consenting, something which is designed to ensure the regulatory regime adopted by Building Consent Authorities...

The Financial Assistance Package — an opportunity?

A claim is eligible if water has penetrated the dwelling because of some aspect of the design or construction, the dwelling is damaged as...

Cosgrove announces ‘most profound changes in NZ industry’s history’

Minister for Building issues Clayton Cosgrove opened the recent RMBF conference in Queenstown by announcing that the Government had offi cially approved the introduction...

Behind the Christchurch CBD cordon — a sobering sight

After a phone call, personal interview, photograph and a two-hour pass card issue, we proceeded to the nearest army checkpoint for entry into the...

A glass act

Science writer Steven Johnson defines the hummingbird effect as: An innovation in one field triggering an unexpected breakthrough or change in a different domain.   The...

Why do building companies get stuck at a certain size?

Have you ever said to yourself:  • “I thought we were going to have a great year because I doubled my volume. But instead of...

Taranaki RMBA initiative pays off

The Taranaki Construction Safety Group recently hosted the first Taranaki Apprentice Safety Challenge day in New Plymouth. The group is an informal association...

Conference 2011 done — 2012 heads to Tauranga

We believe that this decision raised the profile of both events. Our conference was well attended, with many new faces, and we received similarly...

The many factors to achieve affordability

One of the fundamental factors affecting the price of housing is the availability and cost of land. The land component makes up 30% to...

Housing NZ a reliable source of work for builders

  “We already manage more than 66,000 existing properties valued at more than $10 billion, and with growing demand for affordable housing there...