Hundreds of new houses destined for the heart of Avondale

An aerial view of the proposed developments near Avondale town centre in west Auckland.

Avondale, in Auckland’s western suburbs, has been described as an area with a huge amount of potential. Plans revealing the development of more than 500 houses and town centre upgrades and additions will go a long way to unleashing that potential.

Eke Panuku Development Auckland has signed a sale and development agreement for a 1.58ha development block in Avondale town centre to Marutuahu-Ockham Group, marking a significant milestone for the regeneration of a vibrant city fringe neighbourhood.

With easy access to transport links, the development of this central site is destined to offer more than 500 homes directly adjoining the future site of Auckland Council’s eagerly anticipated multimillion-dollar investment in a new town square, multi-purpose library and community facility.

It will also provide new retail and commercial premises along the site’s Great North Road edge.

As the city’s urban regeneration agency, Eke Panuku is tasked to lead the regeneration of Avondale, enabling homes, community spaces and better transport connections.

Eke Panuku’s John Carter says Avondale is a suburb with a huge amount of potential.

“To enable this and truly support the community of Avondale, a well thought-out plan, supported by investment and strong partnerships is required.

“Since launching the high-level project plan in 2017, Eke Panuku has been making steady progress delivering on this plan, and bringing all the differing elements of urban regeneration together to ready the neighbourhood for change.

“A great example of this is the Marutuahu-Ockham Group Aroha development further down Great North Road, where 117 apartments are due for completion early next year.”

The 1.58ha development block comprises two large sites at 6 and 10 Racecourse Parade which Eke Panuku has sold together. The first, known locally as the 3 Guys site has been bare for many years.

“Through collaborating with our partners such as Kainga Ora we can deliver an outcome for this neighbourhood that otherwise would not have been possible,” Carter says.

“These sites are part of a programme of residential development in central Avondale which has been supported through strategic land acquisition.

“We have been able to assemble a site of scale that can deliver well-designed homes and commercial spaces right in the centre of Avondale.”

Mayor Phil Goff says the regeneration of central Avondale is much needed and long overdue.

“For years, sites such as the one once occupied by 3 Guys have been left vacant, creating an atmosphere of neglect,” he says.

“The new development by the Marutuahu-Ockham Group will be high quality, with well-designed housing providing homes for thousands of Aucklanders.

“It lies adjacent to where council will be building a new town square, library and community hub. It will be well served by rail, bus and walking and cycling links, and will have easy access to the city,” Goff says.

“The town centre will be boosted by new retail and commercial outlets — it’s going to be a great place to live.”

Marutuahu-Ockham Group’s Mark Todd says plans include eight buildings of differing heights and configurations, featuring sustainable homes to a minimum of a 6 Homestar rating, with integrated outdoor spaces for residents and a public walkway linking to the new town square.

“We look forward to working further with other key community leaders to bring this key site to life as we have done with our other Avondale developments.” 

Whau Ward councillor Tracy Mulholland says the announcement underlines why council’s investment in key infrastructure is so important in communities.

“Our commitment to the ongoing regeneration of the Avondale town centre with the new library, community hub and town square shows that with the right infrastructure other partners will be encouraged to work with us to develop the Avondale of the future,” Mulholland says.

“The council’s annual plan has provided certainty on the level and timing of funding available, and I look forward to seeing this important community facility delivered for the current and future residents of Avondale.”

Avondale Business Association chair Marcus Amosa says he couldn’t think of a better outcome for Avondale.

“This announcement is the result of public and private sector organisations collaboratively working together for the best outcome.

“The 3 Guys site has been an eyesore in Avondale that has cut our mainstreet in half for over 20 years.

“This will finally reconnect both sides of Avondale’s mainstreet retail strip and inject new life into our town centre.”

The development block does not include the corner site at 1907 Great North Road, owned and operated by Kings Foodmart.

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