Construction software becoming a vital ‘tool’ of the trade


Builders are increasingly realising that construction software is a valuable business management tool.
A product such as Databuild for Windows has proved itself to make a dramatic difference to hands-on cost control, according to Databuild New Zealand general manager Brenton Cridland.

Databuild, an Australian software company established in 1974, offers the Australasian construction sector a trio of complementary products.
These are Databuild for Windows; FrontEnd, a sales estimating system; and JobControl, a program that monitors job progress and financial and physical resources.

Competitive advantage

Mr Cridland says Databuild for Windows has a significant competitive advantage over similar products in that it provides builders with a real-time total project overview that enables them to take and implement timely management decisions to stay within their strategic plans.

“It’s a comprehensive estimating, quotations, specifications, contracts, purchase orders, job costing and accounting system, covering the process from first customer contact to handing over the newly completed structure,” he says.

Initial on-site training includes assistance to set up the software to individual requirements and train users in the daily procedures. Mr Cridland says the software includes several user-friendly features that have endeared it to builders who before hated computers.

“Detailed bills of quantities can be created quickly, turned into client quotations and specifications and, with the push of a button, supplier purchase orders.
“The CAD-compatible program also offers an easy multi-level search function. The software has unlimited storage capacity for various supplier prices and supplier product references.
Identification of preferred suppliers is easy, and detailed purchase orders can be emailed directly to suppliers or printed out on site.

“Jobs become easy to control and analyse as they are broken down into their construction cost centres with Databuild for Windows. Job costing is immediate.
“Databuild job forecasting provides real-time information on current job costs, and the integrated accounting system eliminates the need to re-key creditor information.
“Over-runs, under-runs and customer variation reporting are available throughout each stage of the construction. Databuild gives the power back to the builder to control their costs and increase their profits,” Mr Cridland says.

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