Squaring up our workforce


Will you be ready for the skills shortage?

Many within the construction industry will have heard about the skills shortage
threatening the future growth of New Zealand.

Pent-up demand as we move out of recession, leaky homes remedial work and the Christchurch rebuild are set to suck up every construction professional we have in the next couple of years.

“In short, we don’t have enough qualified people to keep building New Zealand. We need about 177,000 building and construction workers per year over the next five years to meet demand. Currently, we only have 87,000.”

This is Part 1 of a three-part series which will investigate this looming skills shortage, what is driving it, and what key stakeholders (including the BCITO) are doing to ensure we have enough workers for tomorrow.

At this stage, we need to look at some of the consequences of running out of workers. For established builders, it could mean missing out on profit and growth. 

“The BCITO believes quality apprentices will become harder to find soon, so don’t count on being able to take on someone new when it suits.”

Not having someone in place could seriously hinder your chance to grow your business. 
Understandably, many businesses are still struggling to keep afloat. After all, building consents are still at very low levels.

But we are looking to the future, and this requires investment. In order to flourish when times get better, you may have to feel the pinch now.
Of course, there are other real benefits to training the next generation. You will be recognised for doing your part for the industry. You can also build your business with people you trust and who produce work you are proud to back.

The BCITO can also provide payment plans to help pay fees, and BCITO Training Advisors take care of all the assessment and paperwork.

“If you employ within the construction industry, it is up to you to start training the next generation now. The industry’s future depends on it.”

If you own a construction business, the future of the industry really is in your hands. If we don’t get more people into training now, we will all miss out in the future.

To enquire about putting on an apprentice now, contact the BCITO on 0800 4 BCITO.

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