Call for entries highlights new partnership


NZ Wood has announced that Resene, the New Zealand-owned and operated paint manufacturer from Lower Hutt, has committed to a naming rights sponsorship of the 2012 Timber Design Awards.

The competition brings together architects, architectural designers and engineers in a showcase event that builds the passion for timber construction in New Zealand.
Resene marketing manager Karen Warman highlighted the affinity between timber and paints and stains — whether for dynamic effect or longevity and protection.
“Resene has always enjoyed partnering with the best, and the Timber Design Awards enables us to develop new relationships with those that value excellence in timber design — like we do,” Ms Warman says.
“We are especially pleased that this year’s Awards includes a Canterbury Rebuild category to highlight the significance of the rebuild.”

In announcing the sponsorship, NZ Wood chief executive Jane Arnott highlighted how the Timber Design Awards celebrate excellence across functionality and aesthetics.
“The versatility of timber offers infinite possibilities for professionals keen to blend beauty and form,” Ms Arnott says.
“We have to remember that it was only a few decades ago that brutalism ruled. Now, fortunately, we have a better appreciation of design as well as the integrity of construction.
“From curves to filigree, and veneers to engineered timber beams, only timber can excite, challenge and change to meet every landscape and every client.”

The first stage call for entries closes on Friday, June 22 at 5pm. Entry forms are available from

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