Play the ‘holiday game’, and make some required changes

Terry Sage of Trades Coaching New Zealand says it’s time to play the holiday game — which means four or five days of doing...

Looking forward to the end of the year?

The end of the year is nye! That’s the end of the year, not the end of the world, although after the antics of...

Saying no to new business owners . . .

You have probably just read in the previous pages about an outstanding vehicle — or at least looked at the pictures.   So you are now...

Profiling tasks can help you make necessary changes

After last month you should now have a well-penned list of all your daily tasks, jobs or duties — whatever you want to call...

The satisfaction of business coaching

The profession of business coaching is, for the most part, one of the most satisfying ways to spend your working day. Yes, you have to...

A new year — but is it a new dawn?

By Terry Sage, Trades Coaching New Zealand   “A new year, a new dawn” — I bet it’s some poetic line from a song that made...

Don’t be sceptical about change!

I am going to tell you a story this month, a true story about one of my clients. Normally I am very careful when...

Over-promising and under-delivering . . .

I’ve just come back from a two-day conference — nothing to do with work and all to do with my sport, one of...

Where did that year go?

Here we are in December, so we can officially talk about Christmas now. If you are thinking “he’s lost the plot — we’ve been talking...

Is this what you really want to do for the next 20 years?

So the holidays are now a distant memory — and the next ones feel like a decade away, so no point even entering that...