Celebrating National Tradesmen Day


New Zealand’s tradies — they build our homes, roads, businesses and schools. They keep our cars running, our lights on, our water flowing and so much more.

Professional tradesmen are the backbone of our country — to all of these men and women who use their hands to keep us running strong, we would simply like to say thanks.
In fact, Irwin Tools has created a day — National Tradesmen Day on September 20 — just for professional tradesmen, a day to celebrate all that they do to contribute so meaningfully in so many ways.

And it’s the company’s hope that the entire nation will celebrate.

This day will focus the nation’s attention on “The Hands that Build New Zealand”, and will include celebrations, promotions, recognition events and activities across the country.
“Tradies are what keep New Zealand ticking,” Irwin Tools APAC marketing manager Tom Veale Snr says.
“We invite everyone to be a part of ‘National Tradesmen Day’ to show our appreciation to the men and women who contribute to our lives in so many ways.” Mr Veale says.
“Each of us should thank the skilled workers who work with their hands to build New Zealand and keep it running strong.
“Whether through a national announcement, or a simple thanks, we can show tradesmen that we appreciate their work.”

Who, what, where, when, why and how

WHO: Irwin Tools, founder and primary “force” in support of a day of recognition for 

New Zealand’s professional tradesmen.

WHAT: National Tradesmen Day — an annual day of recognition for New Zealand’s professional tradesmen. A celebration of the men and women who use their hands to build, maintain and improve New Zealand and keep it running strong.

WHERE: At national level, and in communities all across New Zealand, media, retailers, leaders, businesses and families will celebrate this day to demonstrate their appreciation for professional tradesmen and the significant role they play in our lives every day.

WHEN: Friday, September 20, 2013. The event will occur annually on the third Friday in September.

WHY: Irwin Tools aims to heighten awareness of the importance of professional tradesmen who contribute so meaningfully in so many ways. While Irwin is the founder and key impetus behind this annual event, tradespeople will be the central focus of the occasion.

HOW: Irwin Tools will be visiting job sites around the country, handing out tools and spreading a message of “thanks” to tradesmen and women, on behalf all New Zealanders.

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