Make Mum proud!

Terry Sage of Trades Coaching New Zealand

So here we are again — a year past, a holiday season eagerly looked forward to and gone so quick, and memories, just memories.

And what has changed? Maybe nothing needed to change? But if your life is that contented then most of us are miserably jealous.

Then there’s the rest of us — happy, busy and always looking for that little something else. You know, that grass is greener over there feeling?

Not a bad feeling really — in fact, it could be said, a very healthy feeling.

How many times has somebody said to you “you have to have something to look forward to”. So wanting that little more, something different, a bigger this, a new one of those — it’s all good, really, it is.

Actually, think big, really big — why should you have to settle for a second hand one? Well, it’s a new one with all the bling you might say.


Dreams are good, plans are better

Dreams are good, but plans are even better, and if you get them in that order then there is no reason why the green grass won’t grow on your side of the fence.

However, what I see far too many times is that the dreams come without the plan to actually pay for them.

Yeah, you have the deposit — it was the trade-in value of the trusty old Hilux — so $900 a month will be a piece of cake with that job you’ve got starting next week.

So all goes to plan for the first four months. Then an invoice doesn’t get paid on time, cash flow is tight, you miss a $900 monthly payment and the current starts flowing downwards towards a worrying whirlpool.


Sounds grim?

It wouldn’t have been so bad if only you had waited a while longer for those fancy wheels — and maybe it’s time to cancel the new jetski too — and you wonder if they might return the deposit?

Sounds grim and maybe a little far-fetched? I only wish it was, but it’s this time of year when the squeeze can come on financially, and also when that need for a dream surfaces as there’s not a lot to look forward to for a long time.

Who am I to say no, you can’t have some green grass? Of course you can — all I’m suggesting is think before you sign up, and plan for the slow times.


Amateur prophet

You know as well as I do, this industry is notorious for its ups and downs. I know this project manager who is an amateur prophet (sort of), and he swears that the ups and downs come and go in a seven-year cycle.

If he’s to be believed then here’s another tip — don’t sign up for that Ranger for a term longer than two and half to three years, just in case he’s right this time.

Planning and budgeting, and, god forbid, having to wait for a toy — wait, this is all sounding way to grown up, which is something my dear old mum used to say — and if your mum was like mine she’d say it on a very regular basis.

But where would we be without the wise words of Mum? Another day older and deeper in debt, and nowhere near as many toys to play with.

So do the planning, and make Mum proud.


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