Painting the town green-er

A $1 million R&D prize in Industrial Research Ltd’s (IRL) What’s Your Problem New Zealand? competition will be used to help locally-owned Resene make...

Paint without plastic

Health and the environment are hot topics everywhere right now. So when a family is planning to build a new home, reassurance that the...

Natural ways to colour timber

Recent trends towards coloured floors and woodwork mean home owners are always looking for fresh and new ways to achieve this. When the criteria...

Shoo fly

Good old kiwi ingenuity has resulted in another first for Resene. Musca domestica, otherwise known as the common housefly, is a well known cosmopolitan pest...

Painting a different picture

Painting can be nothing but a headache with toxic fumes getting up your nose and harming you and your family’s health. It’s not a job...

New Stevenson products released recently

Stevenson has launched two new product ranges — a new Architectural Masonry range and a new Terrazzo Tile range. Stevenson’s DryBlock Architectural Masonry range and...

New advances in architectural masonry

New Firth DRYbloc and Dricon DRYbloc Mortar are advances in architectural masonry incorporating key ingredients within the blocks and mortar that reduce the rate...

Dry Blocks . . . about time!

W Stevenson and Sons Ltd recently launched DryBlock, a system designed to enhance the weathertightness of masonry buildings. Applied in the context of best design...

Kiwi company achieves highest colour accuracy with LED lighting system

Kiwi company Page + Co has developed a ground-breaking new LED lighting system that produces a CRI rating of 95-97% colour accuracy, something it...

LED lights up Zero Energy House

Philips has been chosen as the LED lighting supplier for the Zero Energy House project. National Renewable Energy Labs (NREL) in the United States defines...