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Life’s a bach

With 150 sq m seen as the bare minimum size and 200 sq m+ as much more typical, it’s no surprise that modern housing...

20 years ago

The Barcelona Chair was created some 90, and not just 20 years, ago for the German Pavilion at the 1929 exposition in Spain. However,...

The internet or China?

It’s certainly difficult to imagine what the world would be like if the internet had not been invented, or if China had not broken...

Generation why

A trait common to all recent generational groupings — Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Millennium — is that they tend to have a...

Word power

Over the past three years I have spent a few hours each week during term time helping Year 9 secondary school students appreciate the...

Star quality

According to the media, today almost anyone can be a star. Appear in a daily soap opera; instant stardom. Read out the weather on...

False modesty

Few members of the design and construction industry involve themselves in the wider political or business world. Is this about false modesty? Or do...

A failed marriage

They tiptoe around each other like partners in a failed marriage. Relationships among members of the design and construction industries have never been as poor...

Declining Standards

At its meeting in October 2013, Cabinet agreed to recommendations contained in a Cabinet paper that will see the Standards Council disestablished and a...

Never happened

With scientific and social change occurring at an ever increasing rate, it’s surprising what technology has failed to produce — and what has never...